Andrea Casali, Illinois State University sophomore, takes charge as the PRogressive Image account executive for the Humane Society of Central Illinois. Casali is currently the youngest member holding a leadership position in the ISU Chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America. She has a soft spot for animals and has put in a lot of work helping HSCI grow stronger this year. Tell us about yourself. I am a sophomore, native to Bloomington-Normal, Ill., so I am a “townie.” This fact has made my college experience different from most. I live right down the street from ISU, so it just made sense to stay home and save money. Plus, I get to skip the dorms and cuddle with my cat. When I am not on campus, I enjoy painting, “Netflixing,” and reading. I am a huge “Game of Thrones” fan. I also love fashion and hope that I will one day have a career that is fashion-focused. What attracted you to the HSCI account? I was attracted to the account because I have a big place in my heart for animals. I have volunteered for the HCSI since high school, so I genuinely care about the organization. It was the perfect opportunity for me to become more involved in ISU PRSSA while doing something that I love. What are your responsibilities as an account executive? I act as a liaison between PRi and the client. My responsibilities are mainly to establish a positive relationship with the client and determine ways PRi can assist HCSI. Are you involved in anything else on campus? Yes, I joined a social sorority, Alpha Delta Pi, in fall 2014. It was a step outside of my comfort zone, but through putting myself out there, I feel like I have really grown as an individual. I found an amazing sisterhood, which is exactly what I was hoping to find. What advice do you have for future account executives? Ask the organization what it would like to see done and how it would like to utilize PRi. I spent a lot of time last semester pitching ideas that did not end up working for HSCI. The ideas were not bad; they weren’t used. I would say it is important to ask the client how you can help them so that you can spend time creating project ideas in-line with their goals. Tell us about your current internship. This semester I have my first internship as a student ambassador for ISU’s School of Communication recruitment team. It has been great to work with a team who is just as passionate as I am about public relations and ISU’s communication program. Do you have any plans to study abroad? I plan to study abroad in Paris through the Novancia Business School study abroad program in summer 2016. I studied French all four years of high school, and it has been my dream to visit the country and immerse myself in the culture. I also hope to take weekend trips all around Europe. Questions composed by Kelly Larson
Senior member Nick Hebert leads the student-run firm, PRogressive Image, for the Illinois State University Chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America. PRi takes on real world clients from the Bloomington-Normal, Ill., area. As a former account executive, Hebert uses his skills and experience to lead PRi. Tell us about yourself. I’m preparing to graduate in May, and I’m currently looking for exciting career opportunities. Those two things pretty much sum up my life at this point. I’m also focusing on enjoying my last semester of college by being around my friends and family at ISU. What do you do for ISU PRSSA? I am the PRogressive Image director this year, and it is the first year that this position has been on the executive board. It has been both challenging and rewarding finding my place within the executive board. Luckily, I work with an incredible leadership team of account executives and an awesome executive board to back me up if I ever need help. What was different about PRi this year? I think PRi has really taken a lot of the challenges we faced earlier this year and turned them into learning experiences. PRi is first and foremost a place to learn and grow as a public relations professional, so I think those challenges added to the overall experience. I have learned a ton over the past year, and I have plenty of information to pass along to the next director to make sure they don’t have as many hurdles to jump next year. Is there any experience that has shaped what you want to do? Almost every summer since I graduated high school, I have interned with my high school district in its technology department. I learned about the latest technology trends and what it was like to work in the information technology world. Getting experience in a field outside of my major made me realize that you never know where you will end up. Describe the job you would like to have after college. It wouldn’t necessarily have to be in public relations, or even in communication. I would love a job where I’m challenged every day and where I would have the opportunity to work with people. Being surrounded by people who are excited and motivated is important to me. Why did you choose to become a member of ISU PRSSA? After I switched to public relations from broadcast journalism, joining PRSSA was a no-brainer. My first meeting was a little intimidating, but I made sure to introduce myself to the executive board and everyone I was working with in PRi. What are your plans for after graduation? I hope to find a balance between work and personal life, pursue some more time-intensive hobbies, and read a few good books. Questions composed by Alex Danko As Jessica Perri wraps up her final year at Illinois State University, she is gaining more exposure in the entertainment public relations industry, of which she hopes to be a part in the future. A previous internship sparked Perri’s passion for entertainment public relations, so she decided to pursue another opportunity within the industry. Perri serves as account executive for The Castle Theatre through PRogressive Image, the student-run firm of the ISU Chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America. Tell us about yourself. I am a senior public relations major at ISU. I am from Des Plaines, Ill., where I have lived my entire life. I transferred to ISU last year and immediately knew public relations was the correct major for me. ISU PRSSA was a perfect match for me outside of the classroom because I connected with everyone in the organization. Last year, I was the socials chair, and now I am beyond excited to be account executive for The Castle Theatre within PRi! When I am not at school, you can find me out with friends, laughing, singing, dancing or spending quality time with my family, including my adorable niece, Olivia! Why did you want this account? I was extremely passionate about this account because it has been my dream to integrate public relations with entertainment in my career. I have previous experience working for a PBS show, so I definitely wanted to get involved with the music industry. I knew I would gain great experience working with The Castle Theatre, and I would put my whole heart into it. What have you learned so far as account executive? As account executive, I have learned it is extremely important to be organized. Because I oversee the work done for this client, I always need to be prepared. The Castle Theatre has taught me what it takes to run a show at the venue. I’m learning what it is like behind the scenes at ‘Castle,’ and it has been fun! I am also learning what it takes to promote a show. How will you use this experience in your future? I definitely would like to get involved in the music or television (or both!) industries. This position has also taught me important qualities of being a leader. Questions composed by Lynzee Glaser Senior Analita Voss is the Forever Redbirds account executive for the student-run firm, PRogressive Image, for the Illinois State University Chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America. PRi is a great committee to get involved in for members interested in agency public relations because it offers opportunities to do hands-on work with real clients. Tell us about yourself. I am a senior public relations major and joined ISU PRSSA last year after I transferred. I joined the relations committee and frequently wrote for the Chapter’s blog, PRecisely PR. When I was not blogging, I worked at Chipotle. I also love to travel. Many students study abroad in college, but I have grown up traveling with my family. My mom believed it was important to learn outside the classroom. I was not homeschooled, but she thought it was better for me to explore the world and learn about it from my own perspective. I also play piano, have my own personal blog and am a huge "Doctor Who" fan. What is Forever Redbirds? Forever Redbirds is an organization aimed at seniors encouraging them to give back to ISU after they graduate. The donations can go to any registered student organization (RSO) on campus or to the school. Forever Redbirds encourages seniors to donate the amount of their graduation year. For example, those who graduate in 2015 are encouraged to give $20.15. Many students choose to direct their gifts toward student resources like the Student Fitness Center or Tech Zone. PRi is spreading the word about Forever Redbirds to seniors through social media by educating them about who we are and what we are doing. My goal for Forever Redbirds is to make donating back to ISU a tradition because even after you graduate, you will forever be a redbird. What do you hope to gain as an account executive in ISU PRSSA? I hope to gain more knowledge about my major. Public relations is an evolving field, and the best way to learn about it is to get involved with internships or other professional development opportunities. Of course we all need the basics, but the cool thing about public relations is that you learn as you go. ISU PRSSA provides members in PRi the experience of doing what an agency does but at a learning pace. What is your dream job? I would love to do international public relations. It would be really cool if I could do freelance work. Freelance public relations would allow me to do my own thing, run my own show and would provide endless traveling opportunities. Where do you see yourself in the future? Definitely not in Illinois! I don’t know whether I will be in the U.S. or not but I know I will be doing something spectacular. Questions composed by Deja Whitt Christmas Without Cancer was one of ISU PRSSA's student-run firm's clients for the 2013-2014 year with junior member Grace Johnson leading the PRi team for the account. Tell us about yourself. I am a junior public relations major. I am a townie, born and raised in Bloomington, Illinois. I like to read, run and occasionally binge-watch Netflix. I currently sit on the College of Arts and Sciences Council, and I am excited to start an internship at the Alumni Relations office this summer. Tell us about Christmas Without Cancer. Christmas Without Cancer is a non-profit organization that provides holiday gifts, as well as basic necessities to local families that are stricken with cancer. In 2003, Gerri Neylon, an oncology nurse at Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, Ill., started the organization. She was moved by the struggles of families undergoing cancer treatments and the toll it takes on them emotionally, physically and financially. She began by “adopting” a family in need, and then asked friends and family for donations to provide Christmas presents and gift cards for items like gasoline and groceries. Since then, Neylon and her team have raised thousands of dollars for hundreds of families in the Southland area. She has had a strong hand in bringing suffering families out of the darkness of medical expenses. Neylon is a true inspiration. Why did you want the Christmas Without Cancer account? Cancer is very near and dear to my heart. My little brother, Grant, is almost 19 years old and has had cancer for 11 years. It is no exaggeration to say that his diagnosis shook our family to its core. After 11 years, we still have to work to find our new normal. Our family went to St. Jude Children’s Research hospital the day after he was diagnosed, and they saved his life. They are the reason he is still with me, and will likely be able to grow old with me. Additionally, we have not paid a single dime to St. Jude for Grant’s treatment. Their mission to save children at literally no cost to the family was our salvation. Unfortunately, not every family dealing with cancer can go to St. Jude. Expenses that come with cancer treatment can be debilitating. I have read stories about cancer patients in their 20s who have had to declare bankruptcy because they could not keep up with the medical bills. No one deserves to suffer because of inability to pay, and Christmas Without Cancer is doing something about that. Their donations allow families to stay afloat during trying times, and I think that generosity is remarkable and amazing. What have you learned from being an account executive in PRSSA? From a public relations perspective, this experience has taught me a lot about effective communication. It is definitely a challenge to coordinate with the CWC team from two hours away. Neylon and I have had to work hard to effectively communicate our vision and plans for different projects. CWC is a small nonprofit, but the network that they have created is incredible. Public relations fosters that network and helps it to grow and thrive. I am very thankful to have had the opportunity to be a part of it. How will you use this experience in your future career? Again, the communication strategies that I have learned through working with Neylon and her team will be useful throughout my career. The leadership experience has helped me to delegate and prioritize tasks and projects. What is your dream job? My dream job would be in international public relations. I love the idea that publics all over the world influence each other through trends and social media. I would love to go to another country to get another perspective and experience international public relations on a larger scale. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I see myself working for an international agency where I can travel and work with public relations professionals in different countries. Questions composed by Cassidy Obis HerCampus was one of ISU PRSSA's student-run firm's clients for the 2013-2014 year with junior member Ali Geary leading the PRi team for the account. Tell us about yourself. I am a first semester junior at Illinois State University majoring in public relations and minoring in Spanish. I have had two internships at ISU and hold two jobs at Campus Recreation. Outside of school, I spend my time with my family and friends. I also enjoy running and dancing, whether it is in a class or just for fun. I always try to learn and experience new things. I am a busy body and love to spend my downtime at local coffee shops, exercising, or shopping. You will rarely see me sitting inside. I come from a very artistic and loving family who support all of my wildest dreams. I hope after graduation to work in the media industry in a role that will allow me to travel around the world and utilize my Spanish language skills. Tell us about HerCampus. HerCampus is the number one online magazine for college women, covering style, beauty, health, love, life, and career. HerCampus has chapters at colleges around the nation and even in Puerto Rico. Personally, I enjoy their creative writing style and relatable articles. The ISU chapter of HerCampus had many goals they wanted to accomplish this year, and I wanted to be the one to lead these talented writers down the right path using public relation tactics. Why did you want the HerCampus account? I wanted to be the account executive for HerCampus because I knew I would enjoy helping this client reach their goals. I am a very creative, driven, and ambitious person, and applying these traits to my client has led to many successes. My committee and I have been successful with helping HerCampus by spreading awareness, engaging with readers, and planning events. With the help of my committee, we have helped HerCampus become a registered student organization this year, put together a clothing drive, and helped promote the organization through different public relations tactics. What have you learned from being an account executive in PRSSA? I have learned how to strengthen my leadership skills and more about what works outside of the classroom with public relations. I enjoy being an account executive in PRSSA because I get to apply what I learn in my classes to the responsibilities that this position entails. What is your dream job? My dream job is to incorporate public relations in my work at a talk show or news station. I hope to work at programs or stations like Good Morning America, NBC, ABC or WGN. I would love to be employed in a city like Los Angeles, Chicago or New York. I enjoy the idea of producing work that deals with our ever-changing world and the opportunity to network daily with professionals in this industry. I enjoy connecting with people and the public and thinking of the best ways to promote something. I love to write and to present. I plan to travel and learn about different cultures and maybe even pick up more than the two languages I know! Most importantly, I see myself in my dream job always learning and experiencing new things in my professional career. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? When I am 30, I see myself established in a career where I am still learning and being challenged at a talk show or news station in a large city. I hope at this point I have had several different opportunities from which I have learned. I hope to have traveled to Europe, South America, and across the United States, too. I see myself providing for a family and living a very happy and fulfilling life. Questions composed by Cassidy Obis Two Blokes and a Bus was one of ISU PRSSA's student-run firm's clients for the 2013-2014 year with junior member Nick Hebert leading the PRi team for the account. Tell us about yourself. I am a junior public relations major at Illinois State University. Outside of my schoolwork, I love to hang out with friends and family. I also love dogs, cars and the outdoors! Tell us about Two Blokes and a Bus. First and foremost, they are a group of really nice and talented guys, and they are a pleasure to do business with. The Blokes run a food truck and serve delicious “globally inspired street food” around the Bloomington-Normal area. My team and I were able to work with them during their one-year anniversary this year, which was very exciting! Why did you want the Two Blokes account? The Blokes are somewhat local celebrities, and it definitely appealed to me that they were a new business here in the community. Match that with our friendly client contact, Steffan, and you have a recipe for a successful and rewarding public relations opportunity. It was easy to build off of the awesome platform that the Blokes already had going. What have you learned from being an account executive in PRSSA? I learned that as a leader, you really depend on your team to get things done. Without the help from my group and all the hard work they put in this year, we would not have come close to meeting all of our team goals. How will you use this experience in your future career? I think the teamwork and leadership skills are applicable in almost any position. The end result is just the sum of all the work each group member puts in, and I know now what that looks like thanks to my talented peers. Watching individuals in my group learn new things and advance into other PRSSA leadership positions for next year has been personally the most rewarding part of my time with PRSSA. I love seeing people around me do well! What is your dream job? My dream job would be to work in the automotive industry. My mom and dad have told me that “car” was my first word; I think it was a sign! I only have as much passion for a handful of other things in life! Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully in a rewarding position, with a company that has plenty of room for growth. Oh yeah… And somewhere warm! Questions composed by Cassidy Obis
Two Blokes and a Bus is a gourmet food “bustaurant” serving globally inspired street food- on an English double decker bus. PRrogressive Image (PRi) is proud to serve Two Blokes and a Bus as one of its clients for the 2013-2014 school year. PRi is the student-run public relations firm of the Illinois State University (ISU) Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) Chapter. The goal is to provide students with valuable pre-professional experience working with real-world clients in Bloomington-Normal and the surrounding areas. Bridget Anders, a junior ISU PRSSA member, decided to join the committee for the Two Blokes and a Bus account. What kind of work will you be doing for our client? Right now, I’m really excited to dive in and help our client by creating flyers and planning a t-shirt raffle. I will be employing different marketing techniques to help spread awareness on campus and attract more business. Two Blokes and a Bus would especially love to serve more college students, so getting the word out to more students is one of our goals. Are there any special events coming up? Yes! Two Blokes and a Bus will be having a Family Weekend special on Oct. 26. If you bring a flyer to the blokes, you will get $1 off your meal and be entered into the t-shirt raffle. It is a great opportunity to share the experience of eating on “Victoria” with your family. Who is “Victoria”? Victoria is the name of the double-decker bus. She just celebrated her first anniversary on Thursday, Oct. 10. She also has a “brother,” George, who will be making his debut in the near future. What attracted you to this client's account? At Parkland College, I learned in an advertising class how to do guerrilla marketing, which is a tactic that utilizes low-cost methods for maximum exposure. Examples of guerrilla marketing techniques include word-of-mouth communication, flyers, and even chalk art. I am excited to implement some of these methods for Two Blokes and a Bus. Working with this client will be a great resume builder and an experience I will never forget. Questions composed by Lily Sherer |
AboutPRecisely PR is the blog of the Illinois State University Chapter of the PRSSA. We write about Chapter events, the public relations industry, member profiles, and more. Archives
July 2023