Monday, March 2 – Executive board shadow Tuesday, March 3 – Speaker, Amy Bishop, Thursday, March 5 – PRSA Dinner (Peoria) Friday, March 6 – Tour (Zeno Group and Walker Sands) Saturday, March 21 – Regional Conference April 6-10 – COM Week Thursday, April 9 – Career Institute AGENCY WRITING TEST Writing Tests for Public Relations Newbies Basics: • All complement interview for a job • All measure your writing skills-content, style, grammar, spelling, reasoning, organization, formatting, etc. • All measure your public relations skills and thinking (cases and genres) • All are timed to some extent • All are open book for AP style (make sure you have yours!) • All require detailed knowledge about the firm • Some may restrict you from using the Internet • Some may ask about current events/news and their effects on clients/the company • May include analytics problems • May be done by email or on site General Topics • Company/Organization (agency or non-agency) o History o Business (brands, markets, customers, industry[s], competitors) o News and current events (prominent; possibly connect with organization & its stakeholders) o Areas of company that interest you and why • Research o Secondary sources that could be used and why (based on a scenario) o Methodologies that could be used and why (based on a scenario) • Writing o Creative and concise language use in tune with purpose (persuasion, education, celebration, etc.) o Technical language use (editing, conciseness, reasoning, organization, vocabulary, tone, grammar, punctuation, AP style, spelling, formatting, proofreading, etc.) o Content creation and content improvement are the foci o Correctness and effectiveness sought (includes use of PR discourse genres) • Media savviness o Traditional media (organizations, key personnel, content areas, audiences targeted) o Digital media (organizations, key personnel, content areas, audiences targeted) o Trends across all media and implications on PR strategy and practice o Research sources for media and choosing best media for situations/purposes o Pitching stories to journalists working in any medium (e-mail, letter, or phone script) • Problem-solving and decision-making o Scenario-based examples of realistic situations o Strategic planning (research, situation analysis, message design, objectives, execution, and evaluation) o Strong, sound answers and articulate defense sought • Data analysis and presentation o Quantitative data in a scenario’s context o Identify and present salient patterns and explain their importance • You o Experiences related to career and company that reveal who you are professionally o Interests that you have that reveal who you are personally o Self-definition/-description ANNOUNCEMENTS Cision A benefit of being a member includes free access to Cision certification. Email the account if you would like access or for more information. You do not have to be a dues-paying member for access. Executive Board Shadow Are you interested in being an executive board member? Come see what happens at the executive board meeting at 5:30-6:30 p.m. Monday, March 2 in Fell 162. Get Involved Interviews Executive board members will only be available before Chapter at 7:30 p.m. on March 3 and 17 for the COM 178 Get Involved project. Executive board members will not be available during other times unless special accommodations are made in advance. Alternate arrangements will not be made after March 1. COM Week 2015 COM Week 2015 is April 6–9 with 15 panels and six keynotes. This year’s theme is “Inspiring Innovation.” The Career Institute is from 9 a.m. to noon Thursday, April 9 in the Brown Ballroom of the Bone Student Center. Please email the account if you are interested in volunteering for the Career Institute. Speaker A Skype session will be held with Amy Bishop from DigitalRelevance next Chapter Tuesday, March 3. The session will focus on industry information, so bring your questions! PRSA Dinner The next PRSA dinner is at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 5 in Peoria. We will leave from the Bone Student Center at 5 p.m. The fee is $25 for dues-paying members, and the deadline to register is today. Tour The next tour is Friday, March 6 in Chicago. We will tour Zeno Group and Walker Sands. There is a $10 deposit to secure your spot, which will be returned to you the morning of the tour to give to your driver for gas. Please also bring cash for parking and money for lunch. Regional Conference The Loop Chicago: DIVERGENT is Saturday, March 21 in Chicago and hosted by Columbia College Chicago and Loyola University Chicago. The cost is $45 and the deadline to register is March 9. There are less than 100 tickets left. For more information, visit Please email the account when you sign up. Member of the Week Congratulations to Cindy Kirchner for being member of the week for consistent attendance and writing for the relations committee. Duck Hunt Challenge The School of Communication Academic Advisement Center is hosting a duck hunt. It began Monday, Feb. 16 and continues until this Friday, Feb. 27. Summer session ducks are hidden around Fell Hall and lead to prizes. They also share duck location hints on social media using #DucksoftheDay. Bring all ducks to the Advisement Center in Fell 450. Job/Internship Opportunities The Miller Park Zoo has a new opening for a part-time volunteer coordinator. Applications are filled with the City of Bloomington. If you have any questions, email Hailey Lanier at [email protected]. The Normal CornBelters are looking for summer interns. Send resumes to Mike Rains at [email protected] by Friday, March 27. Special Olympics Illinois is also looking for summer interns. If you are interested, please contact Michele Evans at [email protected].
Feb. 16-27 – Duck Hunt Tuesday, Feb. 24 – Dr. Smudde’s agency test workshop Tasty Tuesday: Rosati’s Thursday, March 5 – PRSA Dinner (Peoria) Friday, March 6 – Tour Saturday, March 21 – Regional Conference April 6-10 – COM Week Thursday, April 9 – Career Institute CAREER TRIATHLON CLOSING CEREMONY Congratulations to our winners: • Jessica Backer • Brett Cozzi • Lily Sherer ANNOUNCEMENTS Applying to the Public Relations Major If you are applying to the public relations major, please contact Dr. Smudde for more information at [email protected]. Cision A benefit of being a dues-paying member includes free access to Cision certification. Email the account if you would like access or for more information. Executive Board Shadow Are you interested in being an executive board member? Come see what happens at the executive board meeting at 5:30-6:30 p.m. Monday, March 2 in Fell 162. Get Involved Interviews Executive board members will only be available before Chapter at 7:30 p.m. on the following days: Feb. 24, March 3, and March 17 for the COM 178 Get Involved project. Executive board members will not be available during other times unless special accommodations are made in advance. Alternate arrangements will not be made after March 1. COM Week 2015 COM Week 2015 is April 6–9 with 15 panels and six keynotes. This year’s theme is “Inspiring Innovation.” The Career Institute is from 9 a.m. to noon Thursday, April 9 in the Brown Ballroom of the Bone Student Center. Please email the account if you are interested in volunteering for the Career Institute. Agency Test Workshop Faculty Adviser Dr. Pete Smudde is presenting on writing tests used in the hiring process at agencies next Chapter Tuesday, Feb. 24. PRSA Dinner The next PRSA dinner is at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 5 in Peoria. Sign up by next Chapter Tuesday, Feb. 24. We will leave from the Bone Student Center at 5 p.m. The fee is $25 for dues-paying members, and the deadline to register is Wednesday, Feb. 25. Tour The next tour is Friday, March 6 in Chicago. We will tour Zeno Group and Walker Sands. There is a $10 deposit to secure your spot, which will be returned to you the morning of the tour to give to your driver for gas. Please bring cash for parking and money for lunch. Regional Conference The Loop Chicago: DIVERGENT is Saturday, March 21 in Chicago and hosted by Columbia College Chicago and Loyola University Chicago. The cost is $45 and the deadline to register is March 9. There are less than 100 tickets left. For more information, visit Please email the account when you sign up. Member of the Week Congratulations to Katelyn Jelley for being member of the week for volunteering at fundraising events and consistent meeting attendance. Duck Hunt Challenge The School of Communication Academic Advisement Center is hosting a duck hunt. It began Monday, Feb. 16 and continues until Friday, Feb. 27. Summer session ducks are hidden around Fell Hall and lead to prizes. They are also sharing duck location hints on social media using #DucksoftheDay. Bring all ducks to the Advisement Center in Fell 450. Job/Internship Opportunities The Miller Park Zoo has a new opening of volunteer coordinator. Applications are filled with the City of Bloomington. If you have any questions, email Hailey Lanier at [email protected]. The Normal CornBelters are looking for summer interns. Send resumes to Mike Rains at [email protected] by Friday, March 27. Special Olympics Illinois is also looking for summer interns. If you are interested, please contact Michele Evans at [email protected]. Tasty Tuesday Help raise money for the Chapter and eat at the Rosati’s near Schnuck’s from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 24. You don’t need the flyer, but don’t forget to mention PRSSA. CALENDAR OF EVENTS
Thursday, Feb. 12 – Bowling night Saturday, Feb. 14 – Carnations fundraiser Monday, Feb. 16 – SoC Scholarship extended deadline Feb. 16-27 – Duck Hunt Tuesday, Feb. 17 – Deadline for dues Career Triathlon closing ceremony Tuesday, Feb. 24 – Tasty Tuesday: Rosati’s Thursday, March 5 – PRSA Dinner (Peoria) Saturday, March 21 – Regional Conference April 6-10 – COM Week Thursday, April 9 – Career Institute ANNOUNCEMENTS Career Triathlon The closing ceremony for the Career Triathlon is next Chapter Tuesday, Feb. 17. Mark Fauble is our guest speaker for the event. The prize winners will be announced. Get Involved Interviews Executive board members will only be available before Chapter at 7:30 p.m. on the following days: Feb. 17, Feb. 24, March 3, and March 17 for the COM 178 Get Involved project. Executive board members will not be available during other times unless special accommodations are made in advance. COM Week 2015 COM Week 2015 is April 6–9 with 15 panels and six keynotes. This year’s theme is “Inspiring Innovation.” The Career Institute is from 9 a.m. to noon Thursday, April 9 in the Brown Ballroom of the Bone Student Center. Please email the account if you are interested in volunteering for the event. PRSA Dinner The next PRSA dinner is at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 5 in Peoria. We will leave from the Bone Student Center at 5 p.m. The fee is $25 for dues-paying members, and the deadline to register is Wednesday, Feb. 25. Regional Conference The Loop Chicago: DIVERGENT is Saturday, March 21 in Chicago and hosted by Columbia College Chicago and Loyola University Chicago. The cost is $45 and the deadline to register is March 9. For more information, Dues The deadline for dues is next Tuesday, Feb. 17. It is only $80 for the calendar year and includes opportunities such as National Conference, agency tours, PRSA dinners, leadership positions, and networking events. Former PRSSA members within two years of graduation may pay a reduced fee of $60 for PRSA membership. Learn more at Mentor-Mentee Social Mentor-Mentee Social Thank you to all who attended! Member of the Week Congratulations to Tyler Fiesel for being member of the week for consistent meeting attendance and being an active volunteer. Duck Hunt Challenge The School of Communication Academic Advisement Center is hosting a duck hunt Feb. 16 – 27. Summer session ducks will be hidden around Fell Hall and contain prizes. They will also share duck location hints on social media using #DucksoftheDay. Bring all ducks to the Advisement Center in Fell 450. Job/Internship Opportunities WXRT-FM is looking for interns interested in marketing and promotions, digital, sales, production, and programing. Applications can be sent to Two Prudential Plaza 180 North Stetson -10th Floor Chicago, IL 60601. Forever Redbirds is offering an internship for 2015-2016. To submit an application with a resume and cover letter or for more information, email Beth Keegan at [email protected]. Scholarship Opportunities There are multiples scholarship available through the School of Communication. The deadline has been extended to Monday, Feb. 16. For more information, please visit /scholarshipsandawards.shtml Social Thank you to all who attended the bowling night! Fundraiser Help sell Valentine’s Day carnations from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. this Saturday, Feb. 14. Email the account if you are interested in volunteering. Tasty Tuesday Help raise money for the Chapter and eat at Rosati’s from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 24. CALENDAR OF EVENTS
Saturday, Feb. 7 – Faith in Action event Sunday, Feb. 8 – Mentor-Mentee social Tuesday, Feb. 10 – Agency test workshop Tuesday, Feb. 17 – Career Triathlon closing ceremony Deadline for dues Friday, Feb. 27 – Social Media Forum Saturday, Feb. 28 – Men’s Leadership Symposium Saturday, March 21 – Regional Conference CLIENTS PITCHES • Humane Society of Central Illinois (HSCI) o Local nonprofit animal shelter finding forever homes for cats, dogs, small furry animals, and even horses. o Animals never “run out of time” to find a home o Runs solely on donations and volunteer help • WALK2CLASS o Student living realty company • Baby Fold o Baby adoption, foster care, special needs agency located in Normal, Ill. o Nonprofit organization o Internship and volunteering opportunities! ANNOUNCEMENTS Career Triathlon Practice your job search skills before the real race begins with the chance to win professional headshots, a phone car charger, padfolio, and more. The Triathlon is broken up into three phases, which each last one week. Phase One was the LinkedIn Workshop. Phase Two was the mock application. Phase Three is the mock interview. Winners will be announced at the closing ceremony Tuesday, Feb. 17. Member will receive ten MIPs for completion of the first phase and five per phase after that. Instructions: 1. Create a LinkedIn profile (if you already have one, you’ve completed this requirement) (deadline: Jan. 27) 2. Apply for a mock job application through the Career Center website (deadline: Feb. 3) a. Go to: b. Click “Hire-a-Redbird” (first tab on the top left of home page) c. Under “Current Students,” click “Student Login.” d. In the Search box at the top of the page, type “Triathlon.” e. There are two “positions” you can apply for: Corporate Job or Weber Shandwick Agency Internship f. Select one, and submit your resume and cover letter (note: you must upload these in one file to your profile in the Hire-a-Redbird database) 3. Complete a mock job interview through Interview Stream (deadline: Feb. 10) a. From the Career Center homepage, click “Students” (second tab from the left on the top of the page) b. Click “Interviewing” c. In the pink box on the top right of the page, click “InterviewStream” d. If this is your first time using the service, you will need to create a profile. e. Once signed in, click “Conduct an Interview.” f. Choose the “Take Premade Interview” option. g. Find the “Career Triathlon” interview (bottom of page). Get Involved Interviews Executive board members will only be available before Chapter at 7:30 p.m. on the following days: Feb. 10, Feb. 17, Feb. 24, March 3, and March 17 for the COM 178 Get Involved project. Executive board members will not be available during other times unless special accommodations are made in advance. COM Week 2015 COM Week 2015 is April 6–9 with 15 panels and six keynotes. This year’s theme is “Inspiring Innovation.” The Career Institute is from 9 a.m. to noon Thursday, April 9 in the Brown Ballroom of the Bone Student Center. Agency Test Workshop Faculty Adviser Dr. Pete Smudde is presenting on tests used in the hiring process at agencies next Chapter Tuesday, Feb. 10. Gift of Hope Congratulations to our Gift of Hope team members: Andrea Casali, Alex Danko, Melaina Chromy, and Miranda Puskar. National Delegate Congratulations to Kimi Sanden for being chosen as our National Delegate to represent the Chapter at National Assembly. Regional Conference The Loop Chicago: DIVERGENT is Saturday, March 21 in Chicago and hosted by Columbia College Chicago and Loyola University Chicago. The cost is $30 and the deadline to register is March 9. For more information, visit Mentor-Mentee Social The first mentor-mentee social of the semester is a Grammy watching party at 7 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 8 at the 1010 Loft apartments lounge. Dues The deadline for dues is Tuesday, Feb. 17. It is only $80 for the calendar year and includes opportunities such as National Conference, agency tours, PRSA dinners, leadership positions, and networking events. Former PRSSA members within two years of graduation may pay a reduced fee of $60 for PRSA membership. Learn more at Member of the Week Congratulations to Chloe Kasper for being member of the week for writing for PRecisely PR, volunteering at WinterFest, sharing on social media, and consistent meeting attendance. Duck Hunt Challenge The School of Communication Academic Advisement Center is hosting a duck hunt Feb. 16 – 27. Summer session ducks will be hidden around Fell Hall and contain prizes. They will also be sharing duck location hints on social media using #DucksoftheDay. Bring all ducks to the Advisement Center in Fell 450. Job/Internship Opportunities Applications are available for the Daniel J. Edelman & Ruth Edelman PRSSA Awards. Recipients will receive a $1,500 award and a 3 month paid internship at one of Edelman’s U.S. offices. Applications must be postmarked by Monday, Feb. 23. For more information, visit Forever Redbirds is offering an internship for 2015-2016. To submit an application with a resume and cover letter or for more information, email Beth Keegan at [email protected]. Scholarship Opportunities The Lewis and Mills Endowed Scholarship is a $1,000 scholarship that supports students with a major within the College of Business or College of Arts and Science. The application is posted at scholarships and must be postmarked by Friday, Feb. 13. There are multiples scholarship available through PRSSA National and the School of Communication. For more information, please visit: and scholarshipsandawards.shtml. Graduate School Series The Career Center is hosting a graduate school series is being held to share admissions secrets at the following times: • Feb. 4 - Introduction to the GRE, 4 to 5 p.m. in 110P Student Services Building • Feb. 11 - Graduate Student Panel, 4 to 5 p.m. in 110P Student Services Building • Feb. 18 - Applying to Graduate School & Personal Statements, 4 to 5 p.m. in 110P Student Services Building • Feb. 28 - Kaplan's Free GRE Practice Test 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in SCH 138 Men’s Leadership Symposium Leadership and Community Connections is hosting a Men’s Leadership Symposium for men looking to grow into a stronger leader. The symposium will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 28. Transportation is provided if needed. Social Media Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter @ILSTUPRSSA. Follow us on Instagram @ILSTUPRSSA. Join PRSSA – Illinois State University GROUP on Facebook. Writers Wanted Write for the relations committee! It is a great way to build your portfolio and earn MIPs. If you are interested, please contact Dillon Maher at [email protected]. Raffle Congratulation to Alex Danko for winning the $25 Firehouse gift card. |
AuthorJessica Grzesiak - President Archives
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